OSD600 - 0.1 Release

This release consisted of 2 sections: A and B.
Section A required me to utilize google's phone number parser to produce a RESTful API which could parse phone numbers from either straight text input or from a test file.
The repository for this can be found here:

I produced the api in javascript using Node.js. This was the first project that required me to install Maven in order to complete it.

Section B required me to choose 2 issues from my peers' repositories and fix/complete them. I had chosen to produce a file for the output (Found here: https://github.com/EmdaviesSeneca/phoneparser.js) as well as an HTML interface allowing for easier navigation of the api's features (Found here: https://github.com/EmdaviesSeneca/PhoneNumberAPI).
It was an interesting experience adapting to the different coding methods used, but I believe it was a very important lesson in what to expect in my future. Adapting to the different environments was an exciting task.


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