Bug Fixing VScode

I was tasked with scouting out a bug in the VScode repository and attempting to fix it. I chose this bug: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/39406
The user stated that after opening up enough files (In their case, 100-200) that VScode's search function would become glitched and not return the search results, instead giving "spawn ENAMETOOLONG". 
My attempt to reproduce this bug was not fruitful however. After opening the user's recommended 200 files, I had no issue searching. This led me to believe that it may be a processing issue with the user's computer. I attempted opening around 1000+ files concurrently, but I was still able to search. This may point towards the user's computer not being able to handle 100-200 files open at once, and that it is not necessarily VScode that is to blame for this issue.


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